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Westdeutscher Katalyse Lehrverbund (WDKL)

The German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) is committed to unify the education on catalysis in Germany. The nature and scope of this training are described in detail in the recently published teaching profile on catalysis which, for doctoral and post-doctoral students, is mainly organized in the regional catalysis teaching networks. Together we can strengthen NRW as catalysis location by making use of wide-ranging synergies and reinforce the network of catalysis groups in North Rhine-Westphalia. To this end it is purposive to establish a holistic catalysis training for our (post-)doctoral students in NRW . Under the roof of the "Westdeutscher Katalyselehrverbund" we are pursuing the following goals:

  1. Excellent training in catalysis
  2. Individual further development of the participants
  3. Networking of the catalysis researchers of all locations in NRW
  4. In a mutual exchange of experience with representatives of the other German catalysis teaching networks during the annual catalysis meeting in Weimar in March 2020 and with inspirations from the teaching profile on catalysis, we would like to achieve the three goals mentioned by the following means in a new format: One-week doctoral seminar in the winter semester

The Application deadline for the WDKL PHD-Seminar is the 19th of May 2023 and can be submitted here.

Confirmed Speakers:

Heterogeneous catalysis Prof. Dr. Martin Muhler Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Homogeneous catalysis PD Dr. Andreas Vorholt MPI für chemische Energiekonversion
Photocatalysis Dr. Jacob Schneidewind RWTH Aachen
Biocatalysis Prof. Dr. Stephan Lütz TU Dortmund
Electrocatalysis JProf. Dr. Corina Andronescu Uni Duisburg-Essen
Industrial Appatizer

Benjamin Schieweck

OQ Chemicals

Reaction engineering Prof. Dr. Marcellus Liauw RWTH Aachen
NFDI4cat Michael Liebau Universität Leipzig
Preparation / Characterization Prof. Dr. Bastian Mei Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Schedule of the Doctoral Seminar of the West German Catalysis Teaching Association 2022 Please provide a copyright notice